This month appears to be a month of heavenly departures in Bollywood. First, it was the ever green Rajesh Khanna, and now its director-screenplay writer B.R. Ishara, who passed today morning, as he was affected by tuberculosis and was undergoing treatment at Criti Care Hospital, Mumbai. Readers may recall that he had suffered an incredible paralytic attack during a Directors' Association meeting last year.
The late Ishara launched Parveen Babi and cricketer Salim Durrani in his film Charitra. Not only that, he's also known to be the person who gave breaks to today's heavyweights like Danny Denzongpa, Reena Roy, Shatrughan Sinha, Raj Kiran, Raza Murad… to call a couple of. He's survived by his former actress wife Rehana Sultan.
Amitabh Bachchan, who had worked with him in Ek Nazar, tweeted, "THE WELL-KNOWN writer director BR Ishara gave up the ghost early this morning. Brought in fresh style subject for films. Did "Ek Nazar"'.
Bollywood Hungama prays for the departed man's soul to rest in eternal peace.