Rani Mukherjee and Aditya Chopra’s love story is on the peak. The pair presently hit the headlines for a costly gift, an Audi A8 value Rs crore from Aditya to Rani and now they’re again within the news for a romantic dinner date. Yes, it’s right Aditya Chopra and Rani Mukherjee was seen at a Chinese restaurant, Hakkasan in Bandra, Mumbai on Friday night for a romantic dinner date.
Unlike, last time the couple didn’t take the time to hide their love in any other case fight to hide themselves from the media. They now moved like a bindas pair and don’t bother being clicked by press photographers. They flaunt their love openly and publicly spend time together. Rani Mukherjee and Aditya Chopra’s romantic relationship dates long back but they never revealed it. They desired to keep it a secret.
In the past, Rani Mukherjee wasn’t accepted by the Chopra members of the family as they’re much inclined to Aditya first wife’s Payal but eventually they accepted Rani. Rani may be occasionally seen at Chopra’s home, Adityodaya, in Juhu. Aditya separated Payal Khanna in 2009.
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