It looks as if there’s excellent news ahead for all Salman Khan fans world wide. Salman have been carrying off the tag of being the freshest Bachelor of Bollywood for an extended period now. But now, it sort of feels just like the actor will shortly quit his bachelor throne.
During an exclusive interview with HT, when Salman Khan was quizzed about his bachelorhood state, the actor responded that he doesn't plan to stay a bachelor all his life. He also said that there’s love throughout him. Well Salman, so does that mean that the good news of your much-awaited and discussed wedding will soon come our way? If so, who’ll be the lucky girl to be your life partner?
It’s a known undeniable fact that Salman has had numerous ex-girlfriends even with his hot temper and violent character. Of late, the actor is being noted for his great-heartedness and humanity.
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