Yash Raj Films won't screen the brand new Salman Khan starrer Ek Tha Tiger for the family of the previous RAW agent Ravindra Kaushik. The family of the deceased agent has sent the makers of Ek Tha Tiger a legal notice requesting a screening of the film.
However, a choice have been taken by the production house and director Kabir Khan to maintain the film and its content clear of public domain.
Kabir Khan proclaims, "I examine him within the papers. That is the primary time I've heard of him. It's a fascinating story. But it isn't the tale of my film."
Though Kabir won't say any more, one gathers from a source that the film takes Salman on a fully different route from Kaushik's story.
Says the source, "Kaushik was caught and jailed in Pakistan. He died in prison across there. Salman's character involves a wholly different end. That's why the film is known as Ek Tha Tiger. He's like an unsolved mystery."
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