Sanjay Leela Bhansali dropped Kareena Kapoor from his prestigious project Ram Leela because he didn't want a married actress to play the role of Juliet in his movie. It was said that once Kareena, Priyanka Chopra was considered to play the role of Juliet. But reportedly, Bhansali also dropped Priyanka Chopra’s name from the movie as a result of her dark complexion.
Sanjay Leela Bhansali has signed Deepika Padukone for Ram Leela because he wanted an even actress to play Juliet. A source told a number one daily, “Bhansali wanted a good heroine to play Leela. He approached Katrina but she didn't have dates. Deepika was the one one with available dates for the project. Bhansali was only too happy to have her.”
The source further added, “The other project was taking an excessive amount of time. The script wasn’t ready. So Deepika simply transferred her dates to Bhansali’s film. She signed at the dotted lines just recently. Bhansali had approached her about 25 days back.
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