The prestigious London Film Festival's director Clare Stewart has invited Prakash Jha's latest film Chakravyuh to be premiered on the Festival. A NOVEL honour, considering no Indian film has opened the London Film Festival since Prakash Jha's Mrityudand in 1997.
There is just one hitch. The festival directorate has requested Prakash Jha to postpone the film's release date by a week, from Oct 5 to Oct 12 in order that the film can also be premiered in London.
Though Jha is seriously tempted, the delay can be costly and desires to be talked out with film's worldwide distributors Eros International.
Jha now must sit with Eros and work this out. When contacted the director's dilemma was palpable. "Yes, I've received a proposal to premiere Chakravyuh because the opening film on the London Film Festival. It is a big honour. Last year George Clooney's film got that honour. But for my premiere to happen in London we've to postpone the discharge by per week. This entails heavy readjustment and fiscal losses since theatres was booked all across India and worldwide. On the same time, I DO NOT wish to fail to spot one of these prestigious opportunity. I WILL BE ABLE TO must figure this out with Eros International."