Salman's wax statue will join the gathering of wax figures at Madame Tussauds Big apple on Thursday, August 2. The prestigious actor will join such famed Bollywood stars as, Shah Rukh Khan and Amitabh Bachchan, within the attraction's "Bollywood Zone."
Salman who made his Bollywood debut with the 1989 film Maine Pyaar Kiya has come a ways since with blockbuster hits under his belt. Currently busy along with his latest film Ek Tha Tiger, Salman enjoys an important fan following in India and overseas as well.
"Salman Khan is one in every of Bollywood's most enduring and recognizable stars," said Bret Pidgeon, General Manager of Madame Tussauds The big apple. "Bollywood exploded at the American popular culture scene several years ago and has become one in all our most enjoyable entertainment categories."
Salman's wax figure is joining Madame Tussauds New York's Bollywood Zone, which was created after numerous visitor requests. The brightly-colored, fully-interactive area features a replica of the Taj Mahal, videos of authentic Indian dancers and a photograph area where visitors can pose with Bollywood stars - all designed to re-create the experience of being on a Bollywood film. Over the approaching years, Madame Tussauds plans to expand the world to incorporate figures of alternative prominent Bollywood stars.
The figure - on loan for three months from Madame Tussauds London - was launched in January, 2008, after Khan beat nine other Indian mega-stars - including Madhuri Dixit, Hrithik Roshan, Lata Mangeshkar and Abhishek Bachchan - to make a choice the following" Bollywood Star" that may get a wax likeness. Greater than 10,000 people voted within the August, 2007, public poll. Khan personally chose and donated the black top and denim jeans for his wax figure.