When Priyanka Chopra patched up with Gauri Khan and Karan Johar, it’s said that a couple of ground rules were laid. Gauri categorically asked Shahrukh to limit his friendship together with Priyanka to social dos only. They aren’t purported to interact. But this latest development shows that Priyanka has decided not to heed to the rules.
Everybody knows, Priyanka and Shahrukh’s overt friendship had irked the latter’s wife to no bounds. While the actor hid behind his wife, Priyanka took the blow on their own. Reportedly, she not only got rebuked by Gauri but by her cronies besides like Karan Johar. Actually, the latter decided to shun her from all his longer term predictions. But interestingly, on Karan’s 40th birthday, they apparently patched up.
Though there’s no verifying even if Priyanka was contacted for Farah’s movie, still we can’t stop but wonder how will Gauri reply to this turn of events.
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