Pakistani actress Veena Malik, set to sizzle within the Kannada version of hit Bollywood film “The Dirty Picture”, aims to head a step sooner than Vidya Balan’s act within the original. She maintains the 2 films are different.
“I haven't seen the ‘The Dirty Picture’ in Hindi, though I'VE heard that Vidya Balan has delivered an amazing performance within the film. But I TRULY wish to go one step ahead in my performance on this film,” said Veena.
The actress, who rose to fame in India after her stint in controversial reality show “Bigg Boss 4″, says it's unfair to match the 2 films.
“Please don’t compare the Bollywood film with the Kannada film that i'm doing now,” said Veena.
This is her first Kannada film, and he or she is confident will probably be appreciated.
“My first Kannada film has a fair package of entertainment and mawkish scenes. I’m sure I CAN entertain the audience with my performance and jointly they might also feel sorry for the pains that my character undergoes within the film.
“I will win the hearts of Kannadigas through this performance. I REALLY LIKE the role,” she added.
Veena said she will relate to her role within the film, adding: “This is a special story and it connects well with the entire struggling younger ladies who intend to make it big of their respective fields.
“I was moved after hearing the tale as there have been many incidents which remembered incidents that happened in my life albeit in a distinct fashion.”
The actress is much more excited as she has wrapped a “sexy” and “stylish” photo shoot for the film, insisting it is going to present her in Marilyn Monroe style.
She said the photo shoot, done by photographer Suresh, was sexy, stylish, hot, raunchy, naughty and visually-captivating.
The film’s lead actor Akshay had also participated within the photo shoot. The film is produced by Venkateappa, while writer and director Thrishool is wielding the megaphone for it.
Veena hopes she could also be offered good roles in other regional film industries down south. – IANS