After Ram Gopal Varma and Department it's producer Vinod Bachchan and his cops-and-thrills drama Zilla Ghaziabad (ZG) which appears to be giving its producers more excitement than he had bargained for.
Apparently, the film was completed and prepared for release when Sanjay Dutt saw the rushes and asked for added scenes to be shot.
Says a chum of producer Vinod Bachchan, "The film was ready and ready for a release prior to Dutt Saab's Department. But then Mr Dutt decided he had to shoot three more hi-tech action sequences."
Adds the source, "Dutt Saab felt that some added action scenes would substantially enhance the film's appeal."
Apparently, producer Vinod Bachchan is running helter-skelter to get added finance for the action scenes. Says the source, "Vinod has borrowed heavily from financiers to finish the film. Now there's this added pressure on his funds to shoot these three slick action sequences with Sanjay Dutt which might cost him no less than 1.5 crore rupees. To his credit Mr. Dutt's demand to delay and shoot isn't unjust. Everyone related to the film feels these stunts would enhance the film considerably. The issue is, the producer could ill afford the additional slickness."
When contacted, Vinod Bachchan admitted that Sanjay Dutt had asked for additonal scenes to be shot. "But it's for the betterment of the film. Dutt Saab cares deeply for Zilla Ghaziabad. That's why he asked for those additional action scenes. Dutt Saab is shooting them in June. Till then we just must wait. I DO NOT mind allotting more cash. It'll make the film more appealing."