With his next big film Shanghai due for release on June 8, one would have thought director Dibakar Banerjee could be going the whole distance promoting the film to the optimum. However surprisingly Dibakar has quietly taken off for a vacation even before the discharge of his film. The director's sudden decision left his actors Emrran Hashmi and Abhay Deol amused and shocked. This is a norm within the industry that actors and directors go around to advertise their films previous to its release. However, this time the director decided to bend the foundations for himself and took off on a vacation within the serene locales of Himachal Pradesh.
Sources on the subject of the film said "Dibakar just left without informing anyone. He has finished all of the post production of his film and needed a break. Emraan and Abhay tried contacting him they usually realized he's not on the town and is busy holidaying."
"Both Abhay and Emraan are very excited on the feedback they have got receiving to this point for the film and wanted Dibakar's support at this juncture. Since they're both busy with the promotional activities they weren't aware that he has taken off on a vacation but after they did, they've been hounding him with calls to go back immediately. Dibakar is amused and was delaying and telling them that he'll be back soon. He's now expected to go back within the coming week" adds the source.
When contacted, Emraan Hashmi said, "I requested Dibakar to fly back. We have to gear up as we're just two weeks clear of the film's release."
Apparently Dibakar flew all the way down to Delhi for a press conference in between his holiday for a couple of hours as he had committed to them but he went back to Himachal Pradesh after creating a brief appearance.
Watch Promo: Shanghai