The recently culminated IPL series witnessed action star Akshay Kumar partying with the Kolkota Knight Riders co-owner Shah Rukh Khan. However, despite the shared revelry with SRK's IPL win and Akki's film release, we hear that Akshay may be busy working with SRK's friend-turned-foe Salman Khan.
News is that Akshay has got Salman on board to do a voice over for the idea that promos of his next film Oh My God with the intention to be release with Rowdy Rathore.
The said Oh My God promos would be the first of its kind, to be able to introduce the theory of an idea driven teaser in keeping with the principle story of the film and establish the nature of its protagonist Kanjhibhai.
Oh My God, that's directed by Umesh Shukla, stars Akshay, Paresh Rawal and Mithun Chakraborty.