On World No Tobacco Day Thursday, Actor Vivek Oberoi has urged people to forestall accusing Bollywood for popularising smoking as he feels that films are a mirror to society and never vice-versa.
“What all will you stop? Rape scenes, terrorism in films? Then let’s make cartoons. It’s very difficult. I BELIEVE it’s asking to strangle creativity. Because as you said, films are a mirror of the society. A mirror copies you, you shouldn't copy the mirror,” the 35-year-old said here Wednesday at a promotional event held for World No Tobacco Day.
“Films are a picture of life, it borrows from life, let life not borrow from films. Let’s set an example,” he added.
Meanwhile, when asked if he ever sets a condition of not smoking in a movie before signing it, Vivek said: “I don’t set this type of conditions. As an actor that’s not my right. The director, the script – it’s their decision.”
“Yes, I try, I ask them in the event that they can manage without this. In the event that they say yes, love it has happened in some films, I USED TO BE speculated to smoke and that i said I’d rather not and if it’s possible please adjust it and a few people adjust,” he added.
Vivek have been related to the Cancer Patient Aid Association for the past 10 years.
Every year May 31 is observed as World No Tobacco Day. – IANS