Vivek Oberoi, who’s gearing to launch his next film Sher, has taken a potshot at actor Salman Khan. Talking about his forthcoming film Vivek said that ‘Sher’ (lion) is bigger than Tiger. Vivek Oberoi currently unveiled the ‘Cigarette Bujhao Life Banao’ campaign to mark World Tobacco Day, that is on May 31.When questioned concerning the 2 movies Ek Tha Tiger and Sher, the actor made a light-hearted statement, “We are all animals lovers. So far as my information is concerned, sher is greater than a tiger.”
Salman Khan’s Ek Tha Tiger is likely one of the most-awaited films of Bollywood in 2012. Salman is performing the role of a RAW agent within the Yash Raj movie, which features Katrina Kaif alongside him.Directed by Kabir Khan, is planned to launch on 15 August, 2012.
However, Vivek Oberai’s Sher is an action-thriller, that's directed by Soham Shah. When reminded about Salman’s other forthcoming movie named Sher Khan, Vivek said, “It is a smart thing… the town is stuffed with Sher(s).”
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