When Chinni Prakash started shooting the title track of Bol Bachchan with Amitabh Bachchan, Ajay Devgn and Abhishek Bachchan at Mumbai's Film City Studios last week, he was pleasantly surprised to look Bachchan's passion for his work. "The last time I had choreographed dance moves for him, it was for 'Jumma Chumma De De' for Hum. At the moment he would rehearse ten times and watch me twenty times before he faced the camera and that i was surprised to look that he still follows the similar rule. Watching him accomplish that many rehearsals, Ajay and Abhishek had no choice but to follow suit!" laughed Prakash, adding that the star can be at the sets by eleven within the morning and needed to be told to visit his van for lunch, and when the shoot was over needed to be gently reminded that it was time to move home.
The incontrovertible fact that Big B rehearsed such a lot of times despite re-creating his iconic steps and moves from his old famous hits like 'My Name is Anthony Gonsalves', and songs from Namak Halal, Namak Haram, Coolie etc! shows the perfectionist that he's. "I installed whatever I'LL from his old films into this single song. The moves can be mostly desi combined with rap and hip hop and there are 150 female dancers within the backdrop," says the choreographer of the five minute song, so that it will roll to start with of the film.
Amitabh Bachchan has also lent his voice for the track and the song to be able to also feature a few of his dialogues from his films. It is also the primary time that massive B might be seen in a song with Ajay Devgn and the song also marks the return of the daddy son duo after the hit 'Kajra Re' back in 2005. Abhishek Bachchan will sing a couple of lines within the track besides.
Himesh Reshammiya has composed the music for the track which was shot on a lavish set. A Fox Star Studios presentation, Bol Bachchan is produced by Shree Ashtavinayak LFS Infra Ltd and Ajay Devgn Ffilms and directed by Rohit Shetty. The comic caper also has Asin and Prachi Desai and releases on July 6 worldwide.
Screen India