Actor Akshay Kumar, who’s ready for his forthcoming film Rowdy Rathore, is performing a double part in it. As per a top daily, to shock the viewers Akshay Kumar’s double part was kept under wraps. Not many of us who’ve seen the unique film Vikramarkudu knew concerning the double part. In a single role Akshay Kumar could be seen as a police man Rathore and within the other part Akshay is playing a tiny time thief Shiva.
In the unique film Vikramarkudu, which was an action thriller, Ravi Teja performed the primary role. The movie broke all of the Box Office records and was remade in Bengali, Kannada and Tamil. Rowdy Rathore may be Akshay Kumar’s comeback movie into the genre of action. Sonakshi Sinha is performing the principle role opposite Akshay Kumar and actress Kajal Vashisht may be doing a very important role within the film Rowdy Rathore.
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