Ram Gopal Varma who's known for making films that tread off the beaten path is busy together with his next film Department. The film that is a cop v/s gangster saga starring Sanjay Dutt, Amitabh Bachchan, Rana Daggubati, Laxmi Manchu and Anjaana Sukhani, is ready to release this may occasionally. However, a producer from Hyderabad, Kiran Kumar Koneru, proprietor of Shreya Productions, has filed a legal complaint against RGV with the WIFPA (Western India Film Producers Association) for non-payment of dues.
The complaint states that Koneru invested Rs. 3.5 crore in Department, but he has not been credited because the co-producer of the film. Apparently, Koneru and RGV had an agreement where in they might make a couple of films together, starting with a couple of south Indian films to the recently released Not A Love Story. However, as a result of dismal performances in their previous movies, Department was set to be their cash cow to recover loses.
As per reports, differences between the 2 cropped up when the rights of Department were sold to Studio 18, which Koneru claims happened without his knowledge. While at the other hand, RGV has denied all charges, stating that if there have been this sort of problems his office could be handling the same.
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