The speculation were doing the rounds that Aishwarya Rai might make her comeback at the side of Ram Gopal Varma’s Sarkar 3. But, it has once more frustrated us after RGV revealed that the film won’t feature Aishwarya. Ram Gopal Varma tweeted, “Sarkar 3 is being designed..Amitji nd Abhishek wil feature in it but contrary 2 reports Aishwarya won’t be..script remains to be under development.”
Well, this isn’t the primary occasion that Aishwarya was related to a film ever since her delivery. Even earlier, the scoop was rife that Aishwarya might make her get back along side John Abraham or Shahrukh Khan. But, reports indicate that the actress has not even signed this type of movie.
Aishwarya delivered her daughter Aaradhya Bachchan on November 16, 2011. Since then, Aishwarya has taken a backseat from her work and got totally indulged within the motherhood stage. Now that it's been revealed that Aishwarya isn’t part of Sarkar 3.
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