Megastar Amitabh Bachchan Saturday expressed happiness on the recent nomination of actress Rekha and cricket legend Sachin Tendulakar to the Rajya Sabha, while Sanjay Dutt was unhappy with Sachin becoming a parliamentarian.
“In each session of parliament, the president nominates few set of individuals for the Rajya Sabha from the fields of art, cinema etc. This can be a very honourable position. Sunil Dutt’s wife Nargis was also nominated. Whoever are nominated for this (Rajya Sabha) are deserving people,” Amitabh told reporters at a press conference here.
Asked if being a Rajya Sabha member puts a burden on cricket and picture personalities, he said: “It is their personal decision. Leave it to them.”
Meanwhile, Dutt, who terms himself to be a large fan of Tendulkar, is sad with him being a member of the Rajya Sabha.
“It is an honour to be within the Rajya sabha. I'M partial to Sachin. He's the pride and jewel of India. But, I'M REALLY NOT happy that he's a Rajya Sabha member. He must have been the way in which he is,” he said. – IANS