Madhuri Dixit, who was recently within the news for signing on for the sequel to Ishqiya, has since signed another film titled Gulab Gang. Conceptualized by Soumik Sen and Anubhav Sinha the film have been within the offing for a while.
As for the tale of the film, Gulab Gang is ready a gang of ladies fighting social injustice within the heartland of India where Madhuri plays the crowd leader. The film can even mark the directorial debut of Sen. Gulab Gang, that is said to be inspired by real life situation could be released on March 8, International Women's Day next year.
The film's shoot starts by the tip of the year. Excluding Madhuri the makers also are taking a look at casting Mahie Gill and Shilpa Shukla to finish the crowd of girls within the film. Gulab Gang could be made under Anubhav Sinha's banner Benaras Media Works.