Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan is leaving no stone unchecked to make his home production movie Agent Vinod a large hit. Apparently, Saif could be romancing his actual life girlfriend Kareena Kapoor within the movie. Saif was an excessively possessive beau. Despite an actual professional, Saif many a occasions revealed openly that he feels jealous when he sees Kareena romancing every other B-town actor on-screen. But during a modern interview with a number one daily, Saif talked very candidly about Kareena’s on screen romances.
When questioned about which actor he likes to watch paired with Kareena on-screen, Saif mentioned Shahrukh and Salman Khan. Kareena has done movies corresponding to Asoka, Ra.One in conjunction with SRK, and she or he was seen in Bodyguard with Salman Khan. It seems like Saif is in fantastic mood at the moment and doesn't mind letting lose his sweetheart.
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