Around a year back there have been strong talks about Rohit Shetty remaking Sanjiv Kumar starrer Angoor with Shah Rukh Khan. In reality the director and the actor had apparently agreed at the basic premise in addition which was inspired by William Shakespeare's play 'Comedy of Errors', only to drop the speculation and make Chennai Express instead. Just when the rumours had settled, grapevine has it that Ranbir Kapoor will have been approached to step into the similar shoes. The one tiny problem though is that excluding Ranbir himself, everyone else appears to be aware of the development.
"Ranbir has absolutely no idea from where are these rumours originating. He hasn't even heard about the sort of film and nothing have been offered to him yet. It's strange that his name have been dragged into this so-called remake that is speculated to go on floors soon", says an in depth associate of the actor.
The film in question is meant to be directed by Pahlaj Nihalani, producer of many hit films like Aankhen, Shola Aur Shabnam, Paap Ki Duniya, Aag Hi Aag and Ilzaam. A majority of these films were successful on 80s and 90s though and he was purported to have shown keen interest in roping in Ranbir Kapoor for his comeback affair.
"He has actually chosen William Shakespeare's play 'Comedy of Errors' which was further adapted into films like Angoor [Sanjiv Kumar, Deven Verma] and before that Do Dooni Chaar [Kishore Kumar, Asti Sen]. Despite the fact that he's saying that his film with Ranbir is a remake of his own Aankhen and attributing the source to be Do Dooni Chaar, in actual fact that except the double role bit for both lead actors, there's nothing similar about them. There are too many sources being mixed up here when the truth is that Aankhen had nothing to do with either Do Dooni Chaar or Angoor", says an insider.
To add to the (unintended) confusion on this (hardly a) comedy of error, there also are talks of not only Ranbir but even Shahid Kapoor signed for the film.
While Shahid Kapoor chose to disregard one of these talks and was unavailable for comment, Ranbir was caught unexpectedly with such so-called 'developments'. He categorically denied doing this sort of film and said, "THIS IS NOT true. In truth leave aside engaged on the film; I HAVE NOT even met Mr. Pahalaj Nihalani."
Guess the makers are indulging in some real time comedy of errors here!