Shahrukh Khan Wednesday paid a trip to “RA.One” animator Charu Khandal on the Kokilaben Ambani hospital where she is battling for her life after an accident.
Actor-producer Shah Rukh Khan, who was busy shooting in London for Yash Raj’s next untitled film, landed here Tuesday. He came over Charu on the hospital and in addition met her members of the family.
He spent around 35 to 40 minutes within the hospital, but didn’t speak to the clicking waiting outside.
Charu met with an accident March 25. A speeding car, with an allegedly drunk driver on the wheel, rammed into the autorickshaw by which she was travelling along with her sister and a chum.
The 26-year-old suffered multiple fractures and injuries to her spinal cord within the accident early Sunday. – IANS