After portraying Bitoo Sharma in Band Baaja Baarat and a conman in his last launch, the actor has finalized his 3rd flick called as Lootera that's a love story set within the 1950s featuring Sonakshi Sinha within the female lead. The newest news from the actor’s side is that aside from filming his upcoming project, the actor is spending all his time meeting makers and convincing them.
Actually, Ranveer wants to step into the shoes of the Bollywood biggies equivalent to Shahrukh Khan and Hrithik Roshan. He wants to perform a Superhero like them. News is that, he’s meeting film makers and convincing them to sign him for a perfect hero movie. Ranveer may be very fantasized with the role of an ideal hero; he highly holds a view that he can essay the nature properly.
According to the industry sources, “Ranveer may be very kicked about this concept, even has a coarse story ready which he was asking people to read”.
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