Aamir Khan has always been known to be an enormous admirer of late actor Shammi Kapoor. Yesterday at an event held in Delhi, Aamir bid for Shammi Kapoor's jacket for Rs. 88000 on the Osian's Cinefan auction. Besides Shammiji's jacket, Aamir also acquired five other film memorabilia spending a complete of Rs. 2,38,000 on the auction. Aamir however wasn't physically found in Delhi but participated within the auction via phone.
The auction also had memorabilia from films like Umrao Jaan and Lagaan. Besides there have been also rare photographic stills and show-cards from films like Aan, Mother India, Dil Diya Dard Liya and Leader. It also included many posters from Rajesh Khanna's films equivalent to Aradhana, Amar Prem and Andaz.