When Ranbir Kapoor sets the screen on fire, he gets applauded. And when he sets the ciggy on fire, he gets fined. And this time round, he was fined Rs 200 for smoking in public by the district court. Readers maybe aware that Ranbir was accused of violating the Rajasthan Prevention of Smoking Act after an area daily published images of Ranbir smoking on May 28, while shooting for his upcoming film Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani.
A certain Harish Vaishnav lodged a complaint at a neighborhood court in Udaipur, which led to Ranbir being summoned on June 26. And because it couldn't be dropped at him by the date, the court fixed July 26 for his appearance, on which day his lawyer K.K. Purohit, who paid the fine amount within the absence of the actor, accepted that Ranbir did smoke in public however it was a part of the film. He also assured that this may not be repeated.