The talented theatre actor Anshuman Jha, who made a mark with Love Sex Aur Dhokha (LSD), could be next seen in Amit Chandrra's Kismet Love Paisa Dilli (KLPD) alongside Vivek Oberoi and Mallika Sherawat.
Even though Anshuman's character was kept under wraps by the makers, sources with regards to the production house reveal that he's the angry young boy of the film and essays a vital part within the film. The makers don't need to expose his character because it is the surprise section of the film.
The makers also are happy that despite having a meaty role within the film, Anshuman hasn't thrown a fit on not being a part of the promotional campaign till now. He has full faith within the producer as he knows there are big plans in store for him.
Says producer Amit Chandrra, "Every character within the film is vital; with none of them, the film wouldn't be as entertaining. Anshuman was our first choice for this role, as only an actor of his calibre could pull off such an exhilarating character. I WILL NOT reveal much in regards to the role, but Anshuman is someone you would need to beware of within the film'.
KLPD directed by Sanjay Khanduri is slated to release on 5th October.
Watch Promo: Kismet Love Paisa Dilli