It's final. The Dirty Picture jodi of Vidya Balan and Tusshar Kapoor could be clashing with one another next weekend. With Kahaani and Chaar Din Ki Chandni's arrival at the same day becoming inevitable, the following obvious question was whether both films will aim at arriving an afternoon earlier on Thursday and benefit from the festive occasion of 'Holi'. As has turned out though, only Chaar Din Ki Chandni is doing that while Kahaani makers are sure that it'd be a typical Friday release for them.
"Yes, there have been always talks to bring Chaar Din Ki Chandni an afternoon earlier. This fashion it might be in a position to have the benefit of a 'chaar din ka' long weekend since in just about all parts of the country, Thursday is a vacation and those are expected to stick home on Friday as well", comments a source attached to the film.
It should be seen though whether makers of alternative films can be too proud of these developments. In any case London Paris New York, Paan Singh Tomar and Will You Marry Me? are anyways crowding theatres this weekend and it might be almost impossible for these films to make way for Chaar Din Ki Chandni in addition to Kahaani on Thursday.
"In any case Kahaani makers are in no such hurry. They're pleased with a traditional Friday release. Moreover with Vidya going all out to advertise the film, it also gives her and the film one extra day so as to add directly to the momentum", says a source from the Balan camp.
Thankfully both films belong to different genre because of this an additional day or two for Chaar Din Ki Chandni won't really make much difference to the prospects of Kahaani.
"Last I heard, movies are meant to release on Fridays, not Thursdays", quips Sujoy Ghosh, director of Kahaani, "As an audience I WILL BE ABLE TO see what I MUST see in preference to eager about whether a selected film has arrived on Holi or otherwise."
As for the competition, he's undeterred, "I FEEL Chaar Din Ki Chandni has an overly nice feel to it but then it's in a unique zone altogether in comparison to Kahaani. There may be sufficient room for both films to co-exist; I'M absolutely cool with that."