Ram Gopal Varma is one such bold B-town film maker, who doesn't fear blasting any of the Bollywood’s biggies. RVG’s current target is the actor Shahrukh Khan. Everyone has known SRK’s dedicated and love towards his kids Aaryan and Suhana.Despite being the tinsel town’s actor or the Baadshah, Shahrukh may be very friendly and a pleasant father.
But SRK’s this fatherly mindset hasn’t gone well with RGV. RGV indirectly insulted SRK on twitter. He tweeted, “If all kids are so innocent nd have lovely hearts how come most of them grow as much as become bastards?” RGV said this on twitter after SRK published, “Missing my lil boy and girl….they’ve such small beautiful hands….and such big lovely hearts (sic).”
Author: admin
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