Bollywood actor John Abraham gave his initial solo hit with Force recently. And now the actor, who’s often termed as nothing but a gorgeous face within the industry is out to turn his mettle as a major actor. He'll be viewed as a pace-setter of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) in Shoojit Sircar’s forthcoming movie Jaffna.
Shoojit has just completed filming for John’s initial production venture Vicky Donor and contacted him to accomplish the lead.Termed mainly because the pre-cursor to the Sri Lankan Civil War, the LTTE was formed by Prabhakaran in 1976. The frontrunners of the outfit required a separate Tamil state in northern Sri Lanka. With the killing of Prabhakaran in 2009, the civil war came to a standstill. It isn’t identified if the movie will centre across the LTTE leader or the movement itself.John won't only work within the movie but may also produce it.
Jaffna is being thought to be a political thriller and Shoojit is yet to make a choice all of the cast. At the other hand, John is on the brink of shoot for Shootout At Wadala.
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