Madhuri Dixit and Anil Kapoor, who've shared sizzling chemistry in films like Beta, Khel, Ram Lakhan and Tezaab amongst others, could be walking the red carpet for the screening in their 1989 National Award winning super hit film Parinda at PVR Cinema Juhu on March 30th.
There were reports of a fallout between Anil and Madhuri over Madhuri's refusal to play Sonam Kapoor's mother in Anil's desi remake of Freaky Friday, but all is easily now as they are going to be attending the screening in their film Parinda together.
PVR Cinemas, in association with Vidhu Vinod Chopra, is organizing a primary of its kind retrospective of his films as a tribute to mark his completion of 30 years within the film industry. The entire films made under Vinod Chopra Films including films like Khamosh, 1942- A Love Story, Munnabhai series and 3 Idiots can be screened for the audience at this festival which starts on March 29.