While there have been speculation that Akshay Kumar lashed out at film maker Shirish Kunder, for the reason that former was in no way happy with the rough cut of his forthcoming film Joker, here’s what Akshay needed to say. Akshay refuted a lot of these speculation by tweeting, “To anybody who’s read or heard the rumour that I USED TO BE angry with my movie director Shirish Kunder, sorry to unhappy you but that may be exactly what it is, a RUMOUR!! I’ve not seen Joker yet, so I'VE no reason to be annoyed.”
The news was also rife that Akshay was so angry with the best way the movie was made, that he even decided to stroll out of the film on the last occasion. We also remember how SRK had beaten up Kunder at Sanjay Dutt’s bash, but fortunately Akki isn’t following the similar way.
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