Actor Tusshar Kapoor says Ajay Devgn is his lucky charm and that’s why he roped him in to do the voiceover in his forthcoming movie “Chaar Din Ki Chandni.”
“Yes, definitely, he's my lucky charm. We have now done five films, of which four was hit. I AM HOPING that even this film does well as he has done a voiceover for us within the film,” Tusshar, who has worked with Ajay in “Khakee” and “Golmaal” franchise, said at an event here.
Tusshar developed a robust bonding with Ajay through the shoot of the “Golmaal” franchise.
“Our bonding strengthened as we have now done such a lot of films together, Kareena Kapoor, him and me have done three films together. It’s the similar unit, same director, same set-up, same series. We do things together during shooting, so a friendship and a comfort level has developed. We chat together when the shoot isn't on. We share a super professional relationship,” he said.
Directed by Samir Karnik, “Chaar Din Ki Chandni” features Kulraj Randhawa of “Yamla Pagla Deewana” fame opposite Tusshar and hits theatres Holi. – IANS