A COUPLE OF months back, writer Kapil Chopra was a worried man, courtesy, the legal battle between him and the Bhatts, who allegedly used his script for his or her film Jannat 2 without crediting him for it. This made Chopra sue the Bhatts for Rs. 10 lakhs in addition to credit him for the tale. But today, Chopra is a relived man because the court passed the judgement in his favour, which ended in him getting double the said amount.
Not only that, since he had filed the case post the theatrical release of the film, his name was impossible to be added to the credits in addition to the within the DVDs. But for the reason that court had ordered to settle the problem before airing the film on TV or internet, last Sunday's TV premiere of the film saw Chopra's name within the credits. Kapil said that once a protracted battle for his rights, he was relieved. He added that many fellow writers have appreciated his efforts.