Aamir Khan and his wife Kiran Rao successfully bid for movie memorabilia price Rs 2,38,000 on the 1st Osian’s-Cinefan auction, including a Shammi Kapoor’s jacket for Rs 88,000. The auction, placed within the Capital yesterday as part of the continuing Osian’s film festival, become a grand success with sales of Rs 69.55 lakh and 86 % lots sold.
Gurgaon-based Kingdom of Dreams successfully bid Rs 15.6 lakh for all of the rights to the last recorded song of Kishore Kumar for its latest musical show Jhumroo that celebrates the spirit of the famous singer. Auction lots on offer consisted of vintage and rare posters, show-cards, stills, song-synopsis booklets among other items.
Highlights were 45 signed black and white photographic stills by Dev Anand, rare Satyajit Ray-designed movie posters of the 1960s, the turquoise ring set in silver worn by Farooque Sheikh in Muzaffar Ali’s Umrao Jaan and a cricket bat signed by Aamir and the team from Lagaan.
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