Bollywood actress Priyanka Chopra has adopted lioness Sundari of Ranchi’s Birsa Munda zoo, the official said Saturday. “We’ve received a cheque of Rs.200,000 from Priyanka Chopra foundation. She’s adopted lioness Sundari,” a zoo official informed IANS.
The agreement will last till April 30, 2013. The official said Priyanka had adopted tigress Durga a year ago. That agreement ended April 30. A year ago the Ranchi zoo unveiled a scheme for adoption of animals. You can actually adopt any pet for a period of TWELVE MONTHS to 11 yrs.
The money is utilized for the maintenance of the animals and to develop awareness about animals. Besides individuals, a couple of corporate houses and public sector undertakings have adopted elephants, peacock, tigers and leopards.
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