After Raaz, Darna Zaroori Hai and the yet to release Raaz 3, Bipasha Basu has signed her forth horror film titled Aatma. Aatma, directed by Suparn Varma of Ek Khiladi Ek Haseena and Acid Factory fame, revolves around Bipasha's character and her experience with a spirit.
A set have been specially built at the 21st floor of a building in Andheri for the shooting of Aatma because the story occurs in an apartment in a building. The film has an important twist within the climax and to keep up the confidentiality, only Bipasha, director Suparn Varma and the producers, Kumar Mangat and Abhishek Pathak have the entire script.
Interestingly, Bipasha herself may be very frightened of horror films and covers her eyes along with her hands and watches horror films throughout the gaps between her fingers, but that does not stop her from acting in supernatural thrillers.