The Ferrari Ki Sawaari actor Sharman Joshi, who's thrilled about his latest release, has another reason to rejoice. The actor, who was endorsing only one of the soft drinks of a big cola brand, has got a proposal to become the logo ambassador of all of the brand wagon.
Says a source, "Sharman is ecstatic that the Cola company wants him to be the ambassador for all the brand. He isn't going to exchange another actor. They have got asked him to come back on a board for all of the brand wagon in their soft drink bouquet. With this, Sharman Joshi could be joining the clan of Bollywood stars corresponding to Ranbir Kapoor, Asin and Katrina Kaif who've been related to the logo".
The actor who's overwhelmed with the response to his recent film and the cola offer says, "It feels great to finally see labor repay. It's true that I'VE BEEN offered to endorse the logo but it's too early to speak about the deal. But once matters get finalized, we'd be signing the deal."