Now it may be told! Like a few of his senior colleagues, Shahid Kapoor has consented to do a remake of a South Indian film. UTV's Tamil film VETTAI, starring Arya and R. Madhavan, will now be remade in Hindi, with Shahid essaying Arya's part within the remake. N. Linguswamy, the director of VETTAI, will direct the Hindi version in addition.
Reportedly, a screening of the film was held for Shahid a couple of days ago and the actor agreed to be part of the remake instantly. Such a lot in order that he has even allotted dates to the producers of the film [filming begins from mid-April onwards]. "In fact, Shahid has decided to push other assignments ahead to house the remake," a trustworthy source informs me. Meanwhile, UTV is within the means of finalizing the second one lead [R. Madhavan's a part of] this remake.
Meanwhile, UTV's project directed by Abhishek Kapoor [not titled yet] will feature popular television actor Sushant Singh Rajput in a single of the leads. This may mark Sushant's big screen debut.