At 46, Actor Salman Khan remains Bollywood’s most eligible bachelor. He’s had a big list of girl friends in these kinds of yrs. Lots of them are well-known and some of them aren't well-known characters. In an in-depth chat with the click throughout the launch of a brand new show, Salman surprised his viewers by indicating that he somehow now not remembers the art of dating ladies now.
At the age of 46, although the average observation may appear unclear, Salman has mentioned that he’s now not adept at dating women. Salman mentioned to a top daily that he used to be extremely lucky at dating girls, but that’s a specific thing of the past.
Salman’s ‘most eligible bachelor of Bollywood’ label is something that the actor isn’t too prepared to shed by moving into holy marital life, it looks. What with famous break-ups in his past, looks as if Salman is bored of dating girls now.
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