Actor Saif Ali Khan’s NRI assault case gets a fresh and new angle, from where things looks more clear. As per reports of a top news channel, some of the eyewitnesses of the incident said that it was basically Saif Ali Khan who provoked Iqbal Sharma. Actually, Saif was the one that hit Sharma first.But the actor has a fully different story to express.
Saif said that he was hit first and hence responded in self defence. “I was hit first and vocally abused,” Saif mentioned, speaking with journalists at his home. “I was hit first. And as surprising because it may seem, the seniors gentlemen hit me. I'M REALLY NOT sure what provoked him.” “I am looking ahead to CCTV video clip (throughout the restaurant),” he explained.
On Tuesday night, Saif and his buddies who were dining in a restaurant at Taj, got right into a fight with an NRI who allegedly asked the actor to maintain quiet.
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