The biggest of Bollywood stars are in Marrakech to wait the film festival and among them is our own 'Desi Girl' Priyanka Chopra. PC can be attending the festival where three of her films (Don, Barfi! and Don 2) might be screened. A source just about the actor says, "Priyanka will reach the festival late at night on December 6. On Day 1, Barfi! may be screened. She is going to be the one one from the film's team who might be present there for the screening. On day 2, two of her other films - Don and Don 2 can be screened. Though Shah Rukh Khan (her co-star within the Don series of flicks) attended the festival, he may or is probably not present for this screening. However, PC would a great deal be there. The movie screenings on both days could be followed by a grand dinner party, so that it will even be attended by Priyanka."
2012 was an incredible year for Priyanka Chopra. She started the year with the super-hit flick Agneepath after which received several accolades for her performance as Jhilmil in Barfi! In between all this she also launched her maiden international single 'In My City'.
Priyanka, who's super busy shooting for her upcoming film Zanjeer, has taken break day from her schedule for the Marrakech film festival and is calling forward to the special treatment she receives there.