Eight time National award winner director Jahnu Barua was conferred the primary ever Bhupen Hazarika award to recognize his contribution to Indian cinema. The award, instituted within the memory of the late musical icon by Pune-based organization Sarhad, known for its work in border areas and conflict zones, was presented to the Assamese filmmaker at a ceremony last evening by former Assam Chief Minister Prafulla Kumar Mahanta.
An alumnus of the celebrated FTII here, Barua spoke about his days in city as a movie student and the way he managed to be informed Marathi. "NOBODY would have thought that an award made within the name of Bhupen Hazarika who hails from Assam be initiated by a Pune-based organization. With this, Sarhad proved that there would not be boundaries in terms of art and culture," Sarhad president Sanjay Nahar said the award is an effort to improve people-to-people contact and supply a lift to development within the northeast.